DOE Affirms Its Decision to Treat Some High Level Waste as Low Level for Easier Disposal
A Department of Energy policy from 2019 that found certain less-risky high-level radioactive waste can be treated and disposed of as low-level waste was, on further review, upheld by Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm, the agency said Thursday. To that end, DOE on Wednesday issued a Federal Register notice affirming that this altered interpretation of federal nuclear law, released during the Donald Trump administration by then-Energy Secretary Rick Perry, is compliant with the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, and the Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982. There had been some speculation the Joe Biden administration might undo the reinterpretation that is opposed by environmental groups and even by… |
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Weapons Complex Morning Briefing |
Biden Signs NDAA, Clearing Path for Bigger NNSA Budget
The National Nuclear Security Administration received the approval, though not the appropriation, to spend some $500 million more than requested for fiscal year 2022, under the National Defense Authorization Act signed into law Monday. Aside from allowing the Department of… |
Weapons Complex Monitor |
Over 90% of EM Feds, Contract Workers Have Taken the Jab
More than 90% of the federal employees and contract workers at the Department of Energy’s nuclear cleanup branch have now been vaccinated against COVID-19, with more than 2,000 apparently still not taking the shot. “The vast majority of our [Environmental… |
RadWaste Monitor |
NRC Approves Palisades, Big Rock Point Sales; Enviros Complain of Lack of Hearing
A private company’s plans to purchase and decommission two Michigan nuclear power plants took a step forward Monday, when the Nuclear Regulatory Commission provisionally approved the transaction, according to a new agency order. NRC staff approved the sale of Palisades… |
Nuclear Security & Deterrence Monitor |
Losing Bidders Protest NNSA’s Award of Pantex/Y-12 Contract to Fluor-led Team
Groups led by BWX Technologies and Bechtel National have protested the National Nuclear Security Administration’s decision to award management and operations of the agency’s two main nuclear-weapons production sites to the Fluor-led Nuclear Production One. The Government Accountability Office filed notices… |
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