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PG&E files with NRC to keep Diablo Canyon open
Pacific Gas & Electric Corp. announced this week it applied with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to extend the operating license of the Diablo Canyon Power Plant. In line with expectations, Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) wants to keep the reactors on until 2030, according to a Tuesday press release. The NRC license renewal the utility seeks would allow the plant to stay online for 20 years. The plant in Avila Beach, Calif., now “will continue to operate until the NRC has taken final action on PG&E’s application,” the utility wrote in its release. PG&E’s operating licenses for the plant’s Unit 1 and Unit 2 reactors expire on Nov. 2, 2024…
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Weapons Complex Morning Briefing
Wastewater bans in Mass., NY, delay partial release of two shuttered nuke plants, Holtec says
New state rules restricting discharge of irradiated water will delay cleanup of nuclear plants in Massachusetts and New York by four and eight years, respectively, Holtec International told the Nuclear Regulatory Commission last week.  These prohibitions mean the partial site…
Weapons Complex Monitor
Hanford to start testing second low-activity-waste melter in December
Trials on the slate for this winter will follow-up successful tests, announced last week by the Department of Energy, of the first melter at the Hanford Site’s Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant. Conducted on Oct. 26 and Oct. 30, the…
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Radiological Safety Training Manager
Oak Ridge National Laboratory – Oak Ridge, TN

Supervisor, Electrical Maintenance
Ameren – Steedman, MO

Supervisor, Nuclear Maintenance (Instrument & Control)
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Cameco Corporation – Saskatoon, Canada
RadWaste Monitor
Holtec, NEI jump into lawsuit over the fate of commercial interim storage
Holtec and the Nuclear Energy Institute appeared in court to have their say in a two year-old lawsuit that could determine the future of commercially operated storage of spent nuclear fuel. The company and the industry’s Washington-based advocacy group filed…
Nuclear Security & Deterrence Monitor
Centrus earnings up as it delivers low-enriched uranium to U.S. government
Earnings were up year-over-year for Centrus Energy in the third quarter of 2023, when the uranium broker and enrichment technology developer was working on its first batch of high-assay low-enriched uranium for the U.S. government.  The Bethesda, Md., company reported…
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