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Small Group of Religious Refusers Sue Over LANL Vaccine Mandate in Federal Court
Eight Los Alamos employees who refused to get a mandatory COVID-19 vaccination have sued the lab’s operations contractor in federal court asked a judge Friday to put the mandate on hold, court papers filed this week show. All eight of the plaintiffs received a religious exemption to Los Alamos’s vaccine mandate, which called for anyone not vaccinated or exempted to be fired by Oct. 15. The plaintiffs still stand to lose their jobs, however, because the only religious accommodation offered by Triad National Security, the National Nuclear Security Administration’s (NNSA) Battelle-led contractor, is leave without pay. The hearing was scheduled to wrap up after deadline Friday for Nuclear Security &…
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Weapons Complex Morning Briefing
Small Biz Administration Gets Til Nov. to Reconsider Swift & Staley at Paducah
The U.S. Court of Federal Claims has granted the Small Business Administration Office of Hearings and Appeals 24 more days, until Nov. 12, to revisit on remand the issue of whether Swift & Staley is too big to qualify for…
Weapons Complex Monitor
BWXT-led Group Lands $21B Liquid Waste Contract at Savannah River
A joint venture led by Virginia-based BWX Technologies this week landed a potential $21-billion, long-term contract from the Department of Energy to manage liquid radioactive cleanup and other work at the Savannah River Site in South Carolina, the agency said.…
Featured Jobs

*Relocation Offered* Nuclear, Criticality & Trans Safety Manager (Position #35010)
Central Plateau Cleanup Company – Richland, WA

Supplier Quality Program Manager
Thermo Fisher Scientific – Tewksbury, MA

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University of Portsmouth – Portsmouth, United Kingdom

General Engineer
Department of Energy, Office of Nuclear Energy – , Remote
RadWaste Monitor
Holtec’s Waste Tracking Exemption from NRC is Latest as Agency Weighs Rules Change
Holtec International this week secured the latest exemption to a low-level waste tracking rule that the Nuclear Regulatory Commission has planned to rework as part of a long-stalled decommissioning rule. The proposed rulemaking would instruct companies shipping low-level radioactive waste…
Nuclear Security & Deterrence Monitor
CNS Staying at Y-12, Pantex Through March
The National Nuclear Security Administration has maxed out the options on Consolidated Nuclear Security’s short-term extension to run the Pantex Plant and the Y-12 National Security complex, keeping the short-timer incumbent on the job through March while the agency finalizes…
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