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Now ‘not the time’ to talk to states about consenting to spent fuel storage, DOE waste chief says
The Department of Energy’s consent-based siting program to find a home for stranded spent nuclear fuel will not include talks with potential host states any time soon, a senior agency official said Wednesday. “At the right time we will start to engage with the states but now is not the right time.” Paul Murray, DOE’s deputy assistant secretary for spent fuel and waste disposition said Monday in a moderated question and answer session with the American Nuclear Society. Murray, who has been on the job about five months following a 44-year career in industry, said DOE’s consent-based siting process is now focused on talking to “members of the general public”…
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Weapons Complex Morning Briefing
Nuclear Fuel Services gets early extension for defense-uranium downblending
The Tennessee Valley Authority extended a contract for defense uranium processing with BWX Technologies subsidiary Nuclear Fuel Services, the company announced Wednesday. Under the two year, $122-million extension, Nuclear Fuel Services, Erwin, Tenn., will continue converting highly enriched uranium into…
Weapons Complex Monitor
50 shipments of transuranic waste arrive at WIPP during January
The Department of Energy’s Waste Isolation Pilot Plant in New Mexico received 50 shipments of transuranic waste during January, according to the facility’s public website. 39 of the 50 came from the Idaho National Laboratory while five were shipped from…
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Postdoctoral Researcher
Johns Hopkins University – Baltimore, MD

Assistant/Associate Professor
Kansas State University – Manhattan, KS

Power Reactor Site Inspector
Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission / Commission canadienne de sûreté nucléaire – Tiverton, Canada

Postdoctoral Research Associate ─ Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
Oak Ridge National Laboratory – Oak Ridge, TN
RadWaste Monitor
House in no hurry to pass Ukraine aid bill with billions for U.S. uraium
The House of Representatives was in no rush this week to consider a Ukraine aid package that also provides billions to jumpstart a domestic uranium enrichment industry, the Speaker of the House said. “We are not going to be forced…
Nuclear Security & Deterrence Monitor
Judge will not grant statute-of-limitation break to potential plaintiffs in Oak Ridge COVID suit
It is both “premature and improper” to grant employees fired from a Department of Energy contractor at the Oak Ridge Site a break from the normal statute of limitations before they even join a lawsuit, a federal judge ruled in…
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