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Pit Debate in 18-Month ‘Tactical Pause,’ House Armed Services Chair Says
Construction of plutonium pit factories should continue more or less as planned for another year-and-a-half, until the Joe Biden administration wraps up a nuclear posture review and the Savannah River Site delivers a baseline cost estimate for a pit factory there, the chair of the House Armed Services Committee said Tuesday.  “We are sort of in a tactical pause of having to answer that question,” Smith said during a moderated, virtual question-and-answer session when asked whether he supported the planned plutonium pit factory the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) is designing at the Savannah River Site in Aiken, S.C. Decision time will be “18 months from now,” Smith said. Before…
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Weapons Complex Morning Briefing
DOE Gears Up Vaccine Vetting, Testing Program at Hanford
The Department of Energy is implementing an electronic system for employees and contractors to either verify they are vaccinated against COVID-19, or refuse to reveal their status, according to a Monday letter to workers at the Hanford Site in Washington…
Weapons Complex Monitor
Idaho Penalties Against DOE Near $11M; Tab Lowered by Enviro Work, COVID Credit
As of mid-August, Idaho had assessed almost $11 million in civil penalties against the Department of Energy for the federal government’s failure to begin cleanup of sodium-bearing byproducts of nuclear fuel reprocessing at Idaho National Laboratory. The bill was partially…
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BWX Technologies – Washington DC, DC

Head of the Laboratory for Simulation and Modeling at the Paul Scherrer Institut and Professor of Applied and Computational Mathematics at the Ecole polytechnique federale de Lausanne
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Head of Laboratory for Simulation and Modeling (LSM) at PSI and Professor of Applied & Computational Mathematics at EPFL
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RadWaste Monitor
NRC Shreds New Mexico’s Court Argument on Commercial Interim Storage
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission on Monday offered a strongly-worded rebuke to the New Mexico attorney general’s claim that a proposed interim storage facility for spent nuclear fuel violates federal law, according to a new court filing. NRC has the right…
Nuclear Security & Deterrence Monitor
NNSA Releases Sources Sought for Domestic Uranium Reserve
The National Nuclear Security Administration has released a sources sought note seeking information about a new uranium reserve program that Congress earlier this year ordered the agency to establish. According to the note, the reserve would be a stockpile of…
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