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Weapons Complex Monitor
Veolia to Acquire Wastren Advantage
French waste management company Veolia plans to acquire Ohio-based Wastren Advantage in a move that would further boost the Paris-based company’s reach into the Energy Department’s nuclear cleanup market. “I can confirm we are in the process of being acquired…
Weapons Complex Morning Briefing
Jacobs to Acquire CH2M
In a long-awaited development that figures to send ripples throughout the Energy Department’s Cold War nuclear cleanup program, Jacobs Engineering of Dallas will acquire engineering services company CH2M for $2.85 billion in cash and stock. Jacobs will also assume $416…
Weapons Complex Monitor
DOE Wants ‘Best and Brightest’ on Waste Tunnel Stabilization
The Department of Energy said this week it wants to bring in a “best and brightest” panel of experts to study the second tunnel used to store radioactive waste from the Hanford Site’s PUREX plant. The federal agency told Washington…
RadWaste Monitor
Waste Disposal Companies Not Sweating GTCC Schedule
By Wayne Barber Executives at two U.S. radioactive waste disposal companies said this week they aren’t worried that the Energy Department is taking longer than initially anticipated to report to Congress on plans for disposal of Greater Than Class C (GTCC)…
Nuclear Security & Deterrence Monitor
Incoming Manager Hails NNSS Mission as Transition Begins
Management at Mission Support and Test Services (MSTS) did not receive a clear sense for why the venture secured the contract to manage and operate the Department of Energy’s Nevada National Security Site, incoming site manager Mark Martinez said Thursday.…
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September 5-7, 2017
Summerlin, NV

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October 19, 2017
Washington, DC

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Arlington, VA

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March 18-22, 2018
Phoenix, AZ

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March 19-22, 2018
Nashville, TN

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June 7-8, 2018
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