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Weapons Complex Monitor
Mayor Fears 'Nuclear Dump' Legacy for Piketon
Wary that his village will become known only for the pile of radioactive waste the Energy Department plans to leave behind after it cleans up the nearby Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant, the mayor of Piketon, Ohio, is pitching the agency…
Weapons Complex Morning Briefing
Perry May Face Longer Wait for Confirmation
It could be a week or more before former Texas Gov. Rick Perry, President Donald Trump’s energy secretary-designate, is approved for the Cabinet post for which he was officially nominated about two months ago. On Monday, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell…
Weapons Complex Monitor
AECOM Nuclear Earnings Rise, as Company Seeks More DOE, Commercial Work
After AECOM quantified a long-projected earnings gain made possible by a smaller-than-expected fine to settle alleged misuse of federal funds, the Los Angeles-based company continued pounding its war drum about the billions of dollars of bid proposals its Management Services…
RadWaste Monitor
Wrap Up: NRC to Meet on Fukushima, Project Aim Next Week
U.S. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has scheduled briefings for next week on the lessons learned from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster and the ongoing progress of Project Aim. The briefings represent the first commission meetings under new Republican Chairwoman Kristine…
Nuclear Security & Deterrence Monitor
LANL’s Nuclear Criticality Safety Program Falls Short of DOE Expectations
The Los Alamos National Laboratory’s nuclear criticality safety program in fiscal 2016 fell short of Department of Energy requirements, but an improvement plan has been established, according to an annual nuclear criticality safety program metrics report submitted to the Defense…
A&P Mechanic
Lockheed Martin – Baltimore, MD


G-IV and CE Captain (IAD)

Organizational Development Specialist 4
Northrop Grumman – Falls Church, VA

Research Engineer Planning and Control
BAE Systems – Burlington, MA
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Nuclear Deterrence Summit February 28 - March 2, 2017 Capital Hilton, Washington, D.C.

Waste Management Symposium March 5-7, 2017 Phoenix, AZ

Carbon Capture, Utilization & Storage Conference April 10 - 13, 2017 McCormick Place West, Chicago, IL

RadWaste Summit September 5-7, 2017 Summerlin, NV

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