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Weapons Complex Monitor
Wyoming Senator Could Withhold Support of DOE EM-1 Nominee Over ‘Uranium Barter’
Sen. John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) injected a bit of drama into an otherwise routine confirmation hearing Thursday by saying he would not support the nomination of Anne Marie White to be assistant secretary of energy for environmental management until the Energy… |
Weapons Complex Morning Briefing
Government to Reopen Through Feb. 8 Under New Stopgap Budget
The federal government reopened Monday after a three-day shutdown, after Senate Democrats largely dropped their opposition to a stopgap budget bill to keep agencies open through Feb. 8. President Donald Trump signed the bill late Monday evening. The measure funds… |
Weapons Complex Monitor
Final RFP for Y-12 Mercury Treatment Plant Expected in February
The Energy Department could in late February issue its final request for proposals for construction of the Outfall 200 Mercury Treatment Facility at the Y-12 National Security Complex in Oak Ridge, Tenn., according to recently released presolicitation documents. The agency… |
RadWaste Monitor
Texas Rulemaking Could Lower Some LLRW Disposal Charges
A rulemaking now underway at the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality would reduce certain charges for disposal of radioactive waste at Waste Control Specialists’ facility in West Texas in hopes of driving up business at the financially struggling company. The… |
Nuclear Security & Deterrence Monitor
Third S.C. Community Lobbies NNSA for Pit Mission at Savannah River
A third South Carolina jurisdiction has officially called on the Department of Energy to move production of plutonium pits — the fissile hearts of nuclear warheads — to the Savannah River Site from the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New… |
Nuclear Deterrence Summit
February 20-22, 2018
Arlington, VA
Waste Management Symposium
March 18-22, 2018
Phoenix, AZ
Carbon Capture, Utilization & Storage Conference
March 19-22, 2018
Nashville, TN
Decommissioning Strategy Forum
June 7-8, 2018
Nashville, TN
RadWaste Summit
September 4-6, 2018
Henderson, NV
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