Weapons Complex Monitor
DOE Could Debrief Parties on SRS Liquid Waste Contract Next Week
The Energy Department could debrief parties on the recently awarded Savannah River Site liquid waste management contract as early as Oct. 26, a source said this week, adding that it’s a good bet that at least one protest could be… |
Weapons Complex Morning Briefing
Pentagon Nuke Modernization Primes Reporting Earnings This Week
Contracting giants Lockheed Martin and Northrop Grumman, major players in the Pentagon’s nuclear modernization program, are set to report earnings this week. Bethesda, Md.-based Lockheed, scheduled to report its third-quarter earnings Tuesday, is one of two contractors (with Raytheon) developing… |
Weapons Complex Monitor
DNFSB Cites Shortcomings in EM Strategy for Hanford WTP Pretreatment Facility
The Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board (DNFSB) said in a new report the Energy Department Office of Environmental Management has more work to do to resolve safety issues connected with criticality and flammable gas at the Waste Treatment Plant’s Pretreatment… |
RadWaste Monitor
Yucca Bill Takes Big Step Toward House Vote
A House bill that would make it easier for the federal government to build a permanent nuclear-waste repository at Nevada’s Yucca Mountain took a big step toward a floor vote this week, though none was scheduled as of Friday. On… |
Nuclear Security & Deterrence Monitor
Experts Buck Call to Dissolve Independent Defense Nuclear Oversight Group
After a bombshell report that the head of the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board wants Congress to dissolve the independent Department of Energy watchdog, several seasoned watchers of the weapons complex — running the gamut from former Department of Energy… |
Nuclear Deterrence Summit
February 20-22, 2018
Arlington, VA
Waste Management Symposium
March 18-22, 2018
Phoenix, AZ
Carbon Capture, Utilization & Storage Conference
March 19-22, 2018
Nashville, TN
Decommissioning Strategy Forum
June 7-8, 2018
Nashville, TN
RadWaste Summit
September 4-6, 2018
Henderson, NV
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