Post-WIPP Disposal 'Far and Away' Biggest TRU Waste Challenge for NNSA Pit Mission, Official Says
Addressing the elephant in the desert, an official with the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) on Wednesday warned that ongoing nuclear-weapon maintenance will require a transuranic waste disposal site that is open beyond 2050: the current, best-case availability for the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant in New Mexico. “From an NNSA perspective, with an enduring mission, we are going to continue to have a need to dispose of transuranic waste past 2050,” James McConnell, the Department of Energy agency’s associate administrator for safety, infrastructure, and operations, said Wednesday at the ExchangeMonitor’s virtual RadWaste Summit. From a waste management perspective, “far and away the biggest challenge for NNSA is to make sure… |
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Weapons Complex Morning Briefing |
Stranded Los Alamos Waste Won’t Leave WCS This Year, DOE Acknowledges
The Energy Department’s Office of Environmental Management acknowledged late Friday afternoon it will not remove remaining stranded drums of potentially-combustible transuranic waste from temporary storage in Andrews County, Texas this year. “Due to the unique technical considerations” of removing the… |
Weapons Complex Monitor |
DOE Nuclear Cleanup Striking Good Balance Between On-Site, Remote Work, Official Says
The COVID-19 pandemic helped sell the top brass at the Energy Department’s Office of Environmental Management on the value of telecommuting, the No. 2 official there said Wednesday. When the DOE office was forced to roll back on-site work at… |
RadWaste Monitor |
Ohio Utilities Watchdog Wants Investigation of Funding for Nuclear Bailout Scheme
By John Stang The Ohio government’s utility residential customers’ watchdog has requested that the state Public Utilities Commission investigate whether any ratepayers’ money was channeled to an alleged $60 million bribery scheme to preserve two nuclear power plants. “The scope… |
Nuclear Security & Deterrence Monitor |
Bidders for New Y-12, Pantex Contract Can Tour Sites This Month
Companies interested in managing the two main civilian nuclear-weapon production sites under a potential 10-year, $28-billion contract with the National Nuclear Security Administration will be allowed to visit the facilities on Sept. 22 and Sept. 24. The agency announced in… |
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