09 – Washington Department of Ecology. Public meeting: updates about public feedback regarding cleanup at the Hanford site to from 2025 to 2029. Washington State University Tri-Cities Consolidated Information Center, room 120, Richland, Wash. Streaming online. Dial in at +1 (833) 633-0875 United States (Toll-free). Phone Conference 830 653 586#
20 – Funding for federal agencies under the 2025 Continuing Appropriations and Extensions Act runs out, unless Congress passes, and the President signs, another funding extension.
10-13 – WM Symposia, Inc. 2025 Waste Management Symposium. Phoenix Convention Center, 100 North Third Street, Phoenix, Ariz. Register online.
10-12 – ExchangeMonitor Publications and Forums. 19th Annual RadWaste Summit. The DeSoto Hotel, 15 E Liberty, Savannah, Savannah, Ga. No remote access. Agenda and registration online.