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Biden Admin Looks at Ex-Sandia Director for Top NNSA Post
A former director of the Sandia National Laboratories has floated toward the top of the Joe Biden administration’s list of candidates to lead the National Nuclear Security Administration and its roughly $20-billion-a-year civilian nuclear weapons program, according to a source familiar with the administration’s thinking. Jill Hruby led Sandia for about two years in the Barack Obama administration, from mid-2015 to mid-2017. Since then, she has worked as an independent consultant, logging time on federal advisory boards such as the Defense Programs Advisory Board, and nonprofits including the Washington, D.C.-based Nuclear Threat Initiative. Hruby could not immediately be reached for comment Wednesday evening. Before she led the labs network, she…
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Weapons Complex Morning Briefing
Idaho Penalties Against DOE Hit $10M; COVID Could Reduce Total
The total civil penalties imposed by the state of Idaho against the Department of Energy for failing to treat sodium-bearing waste at the Idaho National Laboratory now exceeds $10 million, a state official said this week. As of March 31,…
Weapons Complex Monitor
DOE Reviews $1B Savannah River Security Award After Protest
Following a protest by a rival bidder with the Government Accountability Office, the Department of Energy is taking a second look at the $1-billion security contract it awarded last month to a joint venture led by Securitas CIS for the…
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RadWaste Monitor
Texas HLW Storage Ban Passes Committee; State House Vote Up Next
A bill to ban storage of high-level nuclear waste in Texas passed in a state House committee Wednesday, setting it up for a floor vote. The measure, proposed by state Rep. Brooks Landgraf (R), passed in the Texas House Environmental…
Nuclear Security & Deterrence Monitor
Centrus Energy Emerges From Pandemic Year With Better Financial Numbers; New Enrichment Machines Assembled
Centrus Energy Corp. this month finished building all 16 of the AC100M gas centrifuges it plans to use to produce high-energy reactor fuel for the Department of Energy at the Portsmouth Site near Piketon, Ohio, under a $115 million DOE…
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