Settlement Talks Collapse in $200-Million Lawsuit over Savannah River Plutonium
After settlement talks collapsed, a federal judge this week cleared the way for a long-awaited decision in a $200-million lawsuit between South Carolina and the Department of Energy over the federal government’s failure to remove plutonium from the state. The Energy Department and the state had for more than a year tried to settle the lawsuit, which stemmed from the agency's failure to remove weapon-usable plutonium from the Savannah River Site by Jan. 1, 2016, after failing to turn the material into fuel for commercial reactors. However, the parties last week said the talks failed and asked U.S. Court of Federal Claims Judge Margaret Sweeney to restart the case. During settlement… |
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Weapons Complex Morning Briefing |
Energy Dept. Seeks Comments on PUREX Plant Fixes
The Department of Energy is taking public comment through Aug. 2 on a $218 million proposal, along with less-costly options, for minimizing health and environmental risks at the Plutonium Uranium Extraction (PUREX) Plant at the Hanford Site in Washington state.… |
Weapons Complex Monitor |
Washington State Says DOE Must Get Moving to Remove Waste From Single-Shell Tanks
The Washington state Department of Ecology is trying to force the U.S. Department of Energy to put a plan in place by fall 2023 for tranfserring radioactive and chemical waste from 149 single-shell tanks to double-shell tanks at the Hanford… |
RadWaste Monitor |
Deep Isolation Aims for First Contract in 2019
Nuclear waste management startup Deep Isolation intends to seal its first contract before the end of 2019, executives said recently. The deal is likely to be significantly more limited in scope than the Berkeley, Calif.-based company’s ultimate goal of drilling… |
Nuclear Security & Deterrence Monitor |
DNFSB Details Blocked Attendance at Pantex Nuke Explosives Safety Meetings
It has been more than a year now since the Department of Energy ordered stricter limits on communications with the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board (DNFSB), but the independent federal nuclear health-and-safety watchdog has mostly not cataloged the stonewalling connected… |
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