White Sworn In as New DOE Cleanup Boss
Anne Marie White was sworn in Thursday as assistant secretary of energy for environmental management. She went to work Friday as head of the Energy Department’s Office of Environmental Management, an informed source said Friday. “It’s an honor to serve as Assistant Secretary of Energy for EM,” White said in a Friday press release from DOE. “I look forward to the challenges ahead and know that with the talented federal staff, our dedicated workers in the field, and the support of a wide array of stakeholders, we will deliver the EM mission safely and cost effectively.” The Senate confirmed White’s nomination on March 22 by voice vote. The Energy Department… |
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South Carolina Seeks $200M Summary Judgment in MOX Federal Claims Case
The U.S. Court of Federal Claims (CFC) should require the Department of Energy to pay South Carolina $200 million in their dispute over plutonium disposal at the federal Savannah River Site, rather than allowing the lawsuit to go to trial,… |
Weapons Complex Monitor |
DOE Proposal Would Extend SRS Liquid Waste Incumbent Another 10 Months
Having already granted one contract extension, the U.S. Energy Department proposes to keep incumbent Savannah River Remediation (SRR) in charge of liquid waste management at the Savannah River Site in South Carolina into 2019. In a March 21 notice on… |
RadWaste Monitor |
FirstEnergy Announces Closure of Three Nuclear Plants
By John Stang Teetering on the brink of bankruptcy, FirstEnergy Solutions announced Wednesday it would close its four nuclear power reactors in Ohio and Pennsylvania in coming years if it does not get rapid assistance from the federal and state… |
Nuclear Security & Deterrence Monitor |
NNSA Green Lights Bulk of Construction on UPF
The National Nuclear Security Administration gave Bechtel National the go-ahead to begin about $4 billion worth of construction on the Uranium Processing Facility in Oak Ridge, Tenn., marking the official start of the busiest, costliest years of the project to… |
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