From staff reports
GHG Monitor
The National Energy Technology Laboratory is moving forward with plans for competing a pair of new support services contracts. According to a notice issued this week, NETL plans to release sometime this month a draft Request for Proposals for a new contract to provide Research and Development—Implementation and Support Services, with a final RFP expected to be issued in February 2014. The contract is being competed on an unrestricted basis, and is set to run for up to 10 years, consisting of a five-year base period and “an award term extension incentive” of 60 months, the notice states. NETL expects to award the new contract in September 2014, with an effective date of November 2014.
In January, NETL expects to issue a draft RFP for a new Mission Execution and Strategic Analysis Services contract, with a final RFP expected to be issued in February. This contract is being set-aside for small businesses that meet a size standard of $35.5 million, according to a second notice the lab issued this week. The MESA services contract is set to run for up to five years, consisting of a three-year base period and two one-year option periods.