The National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) said late last month that its Asset Management Program (AMP) completed a pilot to replace and repair infrastructure at the Core Library and Data Center at Mercury, Nev. The $520,000 pilot replaced the roof and heating, ventilation, and cooling (HVAC) system at the library, a “repository for geologic, hydrologic, and geophysical data and materials” supporting the Department of Energy’s defense and environment programs at the Nevada National Security Site (NNSS), the NNSA said.
The AMP, an expansion of the agency’s Roof Asset Management Program, “accelerates infrastructure repair rates by bundling the replacement of major building systems that are common across the NNSA enterprise, such as roofs and HVAC systems, under a centralized contract,” the announcement said. James McConnell, NNSA associate administrator of safety, infrastructure, and operations, said the pilot effort “prepares us for the full-scale HVAC program in 2017.” The NNSA said the system was installed by the Kansas City Honeywell Federal Manufacturing and Technologies contracting team, roofing consulting firm Technical Assurance, and teams from NNSS managing contractor National Security Technologies.
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