The Senate Armed Services Committee (SASC) yesterday reported out the nominations of Joyce Connery and Joseph Hamilton to be members of the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board (DNFSB). These nominations were put on indefinite hold last month. Current DNFSB Vice Chair Jessie Roberson was also nominated to serve on the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, but would not be able to start her next appointment until either or both Connery and/or Hamilton are confirmed. Roberson is one of the current three board members, the minimum number legally required for the body to function. The Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works is considering her nomination. It is yet unclear when the full Senate will consider Connery’s and Hamilton’s nominations.
SASC also approved 1,476 military nominations, including Adm. John M. Richardson to be Chief of Naval Operations, and Lt. Gen. Robert Neller to be Commandant of the Marine Corps and promotion to the rank of general.
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