Plant Looking for Groundwater Well Activities Contractor
NS&D Monitor
Pantex Plant contractor Consolidated Nuclear Security is planning to put out a Request for Proposals for groundwater well activities, according to a solicitation released on FedBizOpps this week. CNS said it is looking for a contractor on an “as-needed basis” to support Pantex’s Long Term Stewardship program for up to five years. The LTS program oversees environmental soil and groundwater remediation systems at Pantex, monitoring two aquifers below the nuclear weapons assembly and disassembly facility: the perched aquifer and the High Plains aquifer.
According to the solicitation, groundwater well activities will vary based on the needs of the program but could include installation of injection, extraction, and monitor wells; plugging and abandonment of injection, extraction, and monitor wells; and repair or replacement of well pads (concrete pad, bollards, protective casing). Interested companies should contact Contract Specialist Amber Bullard by April 1via email at [email protected] or by phone at (806) 477-6929.