PHOENIX — Paul Murray, deputy assistant secretary for spent fuel and waste disposition, was scheduled to speak to the congressional spent fuel caucus in Washington on March 20, the Department of Energy official said here Tuesday.
“Please call your local representatives and ask them to ask me the nastiest questions,” Murray said during a panel discussion here during the annual Waste Management Symposia conference. “We’ve got to raise the profile of what we’re doing.”
Murray made the remarks Tuesday during a panel he co-hosted titled “High-Level Waste Disposal in the USA: What’s Next? Challenges and Opportunities.”
The bipartisan Spent Nuclear Fuel Solutions Caucus was founded in 2022 by Reps. Mike Levin (D-Calif.) and Chuck Fleischman (R-Tenn.).
A Levin spokesperson said the meeting was closed to the press and declined to say where and when it would be held.
Editor’s note, 10:24 a.m. Eastern time, Wednesday, March 13, 2024. The story was updated with information from Rep. Levin’s office.