Jeremy L. Dillon
RW Monitor
Japan’s International Research Institute for Nuclear Decommissioning (IRID), along with the Mitsubishi Research Institute (MRI), is set to host a workshop on April 25 in Tokyo that will discuss the results of the Request For Information that IRID issued last year on innovative approaches to fuel debris removal at the Fukushima nuclear plant, as well as a path forward for a planned Request for Proposal. More than 200 replies were received for the RFI, and an RFP for the work is expected to be released this summer. Seating at the workshop is limited to 200 people, so a limit of two persons from a company can participate, IRID said. The Japanese government formed IRID as a way to reach out to the international decommissioning community for help with the Fukushima cleanup, especially after Tokyo Electric Power Company, the corporation responsible for the cleanup, suffered notorious setbacks in completing the decommissioning.