Weapons Complex Monitor Vol. 33 No. 29
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July 22, 2022

Previous SRS waste contractor dubbed ‘excellent’ in final DOE review period

By Staff Reports

Amentum-led Savannah River Remediation took home about $16 million of a potential $16.8 million for its final review period as the Department of Energy’s cleanup contractor at the Savannah River Site in South Carolina, according to a fee scorecard, issued Thursday.

Savannah River Remediation (SRR) earned $1.5 million out of a potential $1.7 million in subjective fee and about $14.5 million out of a potential $15 million in objective fee for the four months spanning Oct. 1, 2021 through Jan. 31, 2022.

That is 91% of the subjective fee and 96% of the objective fee for the final review period before SRR turned over its liquid waste management duties at the site to BWX Technologies-led Savannah River Mission Completion in February.

SRR, made up of Amentum, Bechtel, Jacobs and BWX Technologies, also won 91% of its subjective fee during fiscal 2022, which ended Sept. 30 and about 99% of its overall fee for that period. Savannah River Remediation oversaw the SRS liquid waste program for 12 years since July 2009 under a contract valued at $7.5 billion, thanks to a series of extensions DOE awarded as it held competitions for follow-on contracts.

“There were areas of improvement noted, however they were relatively minor,” DOE said in the scorecard.

“SRR management demonstrated a significantly high level of involvement in achieving key milestones toward increasing the level of operational activities,” Mike Budney, DOE Savannah River Site manager, said in a Thursday press release.

The contractor Implemented a mandatory COVID-19 vaccination policy, claiming a 94% vaccinated workforce with the remaining 6% being granted medical or religious exemptions, according to the DOE scorecard. The DOE also said SRR effectively supported sustained operations of the Salt Waste Processing Facility built by Parson Corp. The facility ran for 14 consecutive days in October, the contractor said.

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