GHG Daily Monitor Vol. 1 No. 185
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October 07, 2016

Report: Sustainable Infrastructure Investments Needed to Address Climate

By ExchangeMonitor

The infrastructure decisions nations make today will set the stage for development for years into the future, which is why it is important to make sustainable, climate-friendly decisions now, according to a report Thursday by The New Climate Economy. “The challenge is urgent: the investment choices we make even over the next 2-3 years will start to lock in for decades to come either a climate-smart, inclusive growth pathway, or a high-carbon, inefficient and unsustainable pathway,” the report says.

The replacement of aging infrastructure and development of new infrastructure globally is expected to draw Cost $90 trillion over the next 15 years, according to the report. Ensuring that the infrastructure is compatible with goals to address climate change will raise those costs a little, but “the additional up-front costs can be fully offset by efficiency gains and fuel savings over the infrastructure lifecycle,” The New Climate Economy said.

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