Rep. Fred Upton (R-Mich.) is again set to head up the House Energy and Commerce Committee in the 114th Congress next year, the Committee announced yesterday. Upton has served as Chairman of the Energy and Commerce Committee, which helps to oversee the Department of Energy, since 2011. Upton also announced yesterday his slate of Subcommittee chairs for the new Congress, including Rep. Ed Whitfield (R-Ky.) to again lead the Energy and Power Subcommittee; Rep. John Shimkus (R-Ill.) to again lead the Environment and Economy Subcommittee; and Rep. Tim Murphy (R-Pa.) to again head the Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee.
On the Democratic side, Rep. Frank Pallone (N.J.) is set to serve as the Ranking Member of the Energy and Commerce Committee in the next Congress, according to media reports. Pallone replaces Rep. Henry Waxman (D-Calif.), who did not run for re-election this month, as the top Democrat on the panel. Information on Democratic ranking members for the panel’s various subcommittees has not yet been announced.