NS&D Monitor
A House Armed Services Committee hearing with Strategic Command and Pacific Command was postponed this week because of snow in Washington, D.C. Strategic Command chief Adm. Cecil Haney is likely to appear before the committee in early April, though a date has not been formally set. The Senate Armed Services Emerging Threats and Capabilities Subcommittee also announced this week that it will hold a hearing April 1 on threat reduction programs in the Department of Energy and Department of Defense. Testifying at the 2:15 p.m. hearing will be National Nuclear Security Administration nonproliferation chief Anne Harrington, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction Rebecca Hersman, and Defense Threat Reduction Agency Director Ken Myers.
After a long stint heading up the Department of Energy’s cleanup program, Dave Huizenga is returning to the National Nuclear Security Administration and his position of Principal Assistant Deputy Administrator for Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation, according to a message Secretary of Energy Ernest Moniz and Deputy Energy Secretary Dan Poneman sent to DOE employees late this week. Huizenga will “continue to provide senior leadership in the Department’s critical worldwide efforts to secure nuclear materials in support of President Obama’s key nonproliferation objectives,” according to the message. Huizenga will remain in DOE’s Office of Environmental Management as acting Assistant Secretary through the roll out of DOE’s Fiscal Year 2015 budget proposal and help “lay the foundation for a smooth transition for the new EM management team,” Moniz and Poneman said.