WC Monitor
The Republican-led 114th Congress will retain the current chairs of the House Armed Services subcommittees on Strategic Forces, Seapower and Projection Forces, Tactical Air and Land Forces and Readiness. Reps. Mike Rogers (Ala.), J. Randy Forbes (Va.), Mike Turner (Ohio) and Rob Wittman (Va.) will head the respective groups, according to a statement released by incoming HASC Chair Rep. Mac Thornberry (R-Texas). New subcommittee leaders include Rep. Joe Wilson (S.C.) for the Subcommittee on Intelligence, Emerging Threats and Capabilities, Rep. Joe Heck (Nev.) for Subcommittee on Military Personnel, and Rep. Vicki Hartzler (Mo.) for the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations.
The Department of Energy was ranked 21st out of this year’s list of 25 best mid-size federal agencies to work for, compiled by the by the Partnership for Public Service and released this week. DOE came in 15th out of 21 in the area of innovation; 17th out of 22 in the area of effective leadership; 18th out of 22 in the area performance-based rewards and advancement; and 19th out of 22 in the area of strategic management. DOE did not respond to a request for comment on this year’s results this week.
Former Department of Energy and National Nuclear Security Administration official Scott Samuelson is joining Longenecker & Associates as a senior associate. Samuelson retired from federal service after more than 30 years last month, most recently serving as a senior advisor within the National Nuclear Security Administration’s Office of Acquisition and Project Management. His previous positions included stints as manager of the DOE Office of River Protection at Hanford, and as federal project director for the National Ignition Facility. “I’ve known and worked with Scott for more than 20 years,” Longenecker & Associates President John Longenecker said in a statement. “His experience in addressing the key challenges in every complex project will be a great asset to our team and our clients.”