Weapons Complex Vol. 25 No. 22
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Weapons Complex Monitor
Article 12 of 15
May 30, 2014

At Richland

By Mike Nartker

State Puts Together Priority List

WC Monitor

Washington state has compiled a list of the Hanford cleanup priorities it believes are urgent as Hanford officials lay out a plan for far more work than is likely to be funded. Department of Energy officials at Hanford have released a budget proposal for Fiscal Year 2016 that would require $3.6 billion, as DOE is required by the Tri-Party Agreement to request enough money to meet Hanford legal obligations. In recent years, the Hanford budget has been a little more than $2 billion. The state has warned DOE that continued spending at current levels will result not only in continued failure to meet the 2010 court-enforced consent decree and Tri-Party Agreement milestones, but also will put Hanford further out of compliance with the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act and the state Hazardous Waste Management Act. 

The state Department of Ecology has provided DOE a list of priority projects for fiscal 2016, including high-profile projects under the DOE Office of River Protection to retrieve and treat tank waste. But it also lists significant other work under the DOE Richland Operations Office. DOE began dealing with about 37,400 containers of waste—including boxes and drums—in the 1990s that were temporarily buried until the nation had a repository for transuranic waste. About 12,500 containers are still buried and more than 8,800 containers are stored in Hanford’s Central Waste Complex. DOE has stopped retrieving containers because of tight budgets, but is required by the Tri-Party Agreement to resume digging up suspect transuranic waste in fiscal 2015 and 2016. Most of the containers were filled from 1970 through 1988 and DOE has reported an increased frequency of leaking containers since 2011, according to the state. DOE can expect more deterioration of containers and should include money to put containers in overpacks in fiscal 2016, the state said in a letter to DOE. 

The state recommends including funds to address repackaging a backlog of about 2,700 containers at the Central Waste Complex to allow that work to finish before it addresses the 12,500 containers still to be retrieved. Money also is needed to start work toward 2017 milestones requiring completion of mixed low level waste treatment and certification of mixed transuranic containers for shipment to the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant, according to the state.

Facility Repairs Needed

Also, in central Hanford, effluent treatment facilities that will be needed to support waste treatment projects need repairs or replacement and money toward that should be available in fiscal 2016, according to the state. The Liquid Effluent Retention Facility—three storage basins that can hold 23 million gallons of wastewater—will reach its life expectancy in 2015 and DOE has not informed the state of plans to replace the basins. The Effluent Treatment Facility, which treats radioactive liquid from the basins, has a broken dryer, the state said. The state also listed as a priority planning for the disposition of cesium and strontium capsules stored in a deteriorating pool at the Waste Encapsulation and Storage Facility. DOE has a summer 2017 milestone to propose a schedule for dispositioning the capsules, and the fiscal 2016 budget needs to support work on the studies, the state said.

State Wants Funding to Complete River Corridor Cleanup

The state also is calling for funding to help finish river corridor cleanup, with mostly high hazard work left to complete there after 2015. DOE must budget toward completing cleanup of the 618-11 Burial Ground, a high-hazard burial ground near the Energy Northwest commercial nuclear power plant, in fiscal 2016 to have work finished by a fall 2018 deadline, according to the state. The 324 Building, the last highly radioactive facility in the 300 Area to come down, will be incorporated into the Hanford Dangerous Waste Permit in fiscal 2016. DOE needs to budget for work required to support the permits for closure of the building, which has a high potential for radioactive air emissions and is located close to publicly accessible areas of the Columbia River, according to the state. 

The state also is concerned that DOE has not started to design modifications to T Plant in central Hanford to allow it to store radioactive sludge. DOE plans to move the sludge, now stored in underwater containers at the K West Basin near the Columbia River, to central Hanford to protect the river. Full operation of all pump and treat groundwater systems also should be funding for fiscal 2016, according to the state

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