GHG Daily Monitor Vol. 1 No. 191
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October 18, 2016

September Breaks Monthly Temp Record, NASA Finds

By ExchangeMonitor

September was the warmest September on record, NASA said Monday. According to NASA data, the month was 1.13 degrees Celsius (2.03 degrees Fahrenheit) warmer than the average September. NASA’s temperature data stretches back to 1880. In more recent history, last month was .91 degrees Celsius warmer than the mean September temperature from 1951-1980, according to the data from NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies.

This would have been the 12th consecutive month to break its record, but data for June 2016 has been updated, according to a NASA release. “Updates to the input data have meant that June 2016, previously reported to have been the warmest June on record, is, in GISS’s updated analysis, the third warmest June behind 2015 and 1998 after receiving additional temperature readings from Antarctica,” the release says.

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