Weapons Complex Vol. 25 No. 21
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Weapons Complex Monitor
Article 3 of 18
June 03, 2014

At Portsmouth

By Mike Nartker

Pro2Serve Drops Suit Against FBP

WC Monitor


Professional Project Services (Pro2Serve) has dropped a lawsuit filed against Fluor-B&W Portsmouth, LLC, the D&D contractor for the Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant, though the terms of the suit’s resolution remain unclear. Pro2Serve had accused FBP in a suit filed in late March of improperly trying to take away work in violation of a teaming arrangement and subcontract, as well as of trying to poach Pro2Serve employees, going so far as alleging that FBP was putting its “ongoing viability” at risk. FBP had countered, though, by saying it was looking to self-perform some of the work that had been done by Pro2Serve in an effort  in attempt to reduce costs, and that Pro2Serve still had “significant work” remaining under its indefinite delivery/indefinite quantity-type subcontract. In a written response late last week, Pro2Serve President Mark DeGraff said, “We settled on mutually-agreeable and confidential terms and we and our employees look forward to our continuing partnership with FBP on the DOE Portsmouth D&D mission.” FBP declined to comment.

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